I visited websites http://www.unesco.cl/
In the other side I selected http://www.unesco.cl/ because is important for the national and American education. This website is complete because the news are very good for the teachers, students and the family in general. In this website you can find articles and news about education
I Invite you to see this websites:

2 comentarios:
Hope your oral English has improved as much as your written skills have.
Anyway, be careful when reading instructions, I meant websites in English, but you suggested some in Spanish!!
Hi Faby, I MUST write you because you're the only classmate that did this assignment. I'm agree with you because it supposes that "Mineduc" gives to us all the information that our nation has about education. Also, I think "Unesco" is another good website mainly because it's international and it was a requirement that I forgot at my homework n.n
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