The use of the technology in education is very important in this moment, because the globalization give us special tools to improve our investigations, homeworks. The use of internet, web sites, and web searchers in the class is basic element because the students use there in the home and in the school to find information about different topics.
The internet has become a support for the teacher and in this moment the technology is very complete and the use the BlogSpot it’s an efficient and effective tool to teach and take control in times, learning evolution and responsibility of the students. I like to use the BlogSpot, because the use it’s easy and interesting, is more interactive that check and communicating on email. As well, in the Blog, I can upload photos, colours and different designs to make a special and personalized homeworks.

The use the blogspot allows making the activities with more time in the home or in the university. The life of the university is very fast and the time is very short for the activities. In the end of semester the students are very tired and stressed, but the blogspot activities are advisable to check the writing of the English students. The teacher revises tasks, from his home or office, is comfortable because we have more time. With the use of blogspot the students know their peers, their tastes for art, the articles they read, and so on.
The advantages of the Blogspot are very much, for example, now the teacher can check the homeworks comfortably in notebook ont the weekend listening to his favourite music, without checking book by book, as well the Blog spot is easy to read, it contains links to the other students blogs and the most important, if the teachers click copy and stick in google, the y can discover if the student homework is original or a copy from other page.
Well, finally I think that there are good and bad technologies, some bad technologies could be the nuclear weapons to support the war, but as well there are good technologies like the internet with the Blogspots, a new tool for the education knowledge.